
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Mission to create a new reality of relaxation

I have a mission to create images of how I am relaxed in situations where I am normally not very relaxed.

This is part of the Uneståhl Mental Training course (UMT).

This is really a challenging mission.

To create an image of relaxation in my mind seems almost impossible, but I know it's not.
I can do this! I just need to practice a lot!

I can't help thinking of my German lessons where my teacher used to start the lesson with a relaxation exercise. I really felt reluctant to practice mental training during my German lessons, but this teacher didn't mind. He considered it to be an excellent idea.

What we needed to do was to imagine that we visited a nice, secure place, our own mental room.
I am sure this exercise can be a really good thing, not just during German lessons.

Therefore, what I certainly need to do is - create an image of myself enjoying to create a mental image where I am relaxed.

Isn't this something?
Do you think I will succeed?